This treason by our government is not surprising anymore. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't become angry and rise up. We should be getting angrier and angrier. Rand Paul's father is running for President. And although I don't agree with everything he stands for, he at least stands to protect the American people. The others don't, no matter what they say. Believe me!
Sen. Rand Paul Speaks on the Senate Floor on Defense Authorization Act - 11/29/11
Sen. Rand Paul Defends American Citizens Against Indefinite Detainment
S. 1867 Coverage - McCain vs. Rand Paul
Should we be surprised at these actions? As the video says, "They are part of the Club." That's the moron club that Obama belongs to.
About Ryan's Rants
America is at such a crucial time in history. And it's not just a crucial time in history for America, but for the WHOLE WORLD! No other time in history has been like it is now. I cover a lot of topics and issues on my blog, because, frankly America, we go through a lot of issues. We have a lot to contend with these days. From crooked politicians, Agenda 21, UFO's and aliens, transhumanism, the duplicitous global warming spoof, weather weapons, false flag attempts, evil conspiracies, satanic cults, the Depopulation Program of humanity by the elite, mainstream media lies, mind control, chemtrails, earthquakes, birds and fish die-offs, we have a criminal in the White House and a few more in Washington, D.C., and this fact seems to go unnoticed by most, especially our main stream media.
There is so much evil going on on this planet at this time, that I wanted to do something to combat it. Even if it was a small thing. Something that makes me feel like I'm contributing to the good. So, I have created this blog to help inform people of the things going on in our world today. Things that radically affect our lives, whether you know it or not. Our government affects our lives the most. From deceptive practices that you need to be aware of, to poisons in our food and water supply.