About Ryan's Rants


“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within.” ~ Cicero

America is at such a crucial time in history. And it's not just a crucial time in history for America, but for the WHOLE WORLD! No other time in history has been like it is now. I cover a lot of topics and issues on my blog, because, frankly America, we go through a lot of issues. We have a lot to contend with these days. From crooked politicians, Agenda 21, UFO's and aliens, transhumanism, the duplicitous global warming spoof, weather weapons, false flag attempts, evil conspiracies, satanic cults, the Depopulation Program of humanity by the elite, mainstream media lies, mind control, chemtrails, earthquakes, birds and fish die-offs, we have a criminal in the White House and a few more in Washington, D.C., and this fact seems to go unnoticed by most, especially our main stream media.

There is so much evil going on on this planet at this time, that I wanted to do something to combat it. Even if it was a small thing. Something that makes me feel like I'm contributing to the good. So, I have created this blog to help inform people of the things going on in our world today. Things that radically affect our lives, whether you know it or not. Our government affects our lives the most. From deceptive practices that you need to be aware of, to poisons in our food and water supply.


“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within.” ~ Cicero

America is at such a crucial time in history. And it's not just a crucial time in history for America, but for the WHOLE WORLD! No other time in history has been like it is now. I cover a lot of topics and issues on my blog, because, frankly, America, we go through a lot of issues. We have a lot to contend with these days. From crooked politicians, Agenda 21, UFO's and aliens, transhumanism, the duplicitous global warming spoof, weather weapons, false flag attempts, evil conspiracies, satanic cults, the Depopulation Program of humanity by the elite, mainstream media lies, mind control, chemtrails, earthquakes, birds and fish die-offs, we have a criminal in the White House and a few more in Washington, D.C., and this fact seems to go unnoticed by most, especially our main stream media.

There is so much evil going on on this planet at this time, that I wanted to do something to combat it. Even if it was a small thing. Something that makes me feel like I'm contributing to the good. So, I have created this blog to help inform people of the things going on in our world today. Things that radically affect our lives, whether you know it or not. Our government affects our lives the most. From deceptive practices that you need to be aware of, to poisons in our food and water supply.

You have to realize everything is relative. Until you come to an understanding of how 'they' (the elites) have kept you in the dark for so long, you may not realize that everything is connected. As you go through my posts, day after day, week after week, you will begin to come to the knowledge and understanding of this fact. It took me a long time to clearly see. When I started doing research about six years ago, I thought what I discovered was extreme. So extreme, it couldn't be true. I would just laugh it off, and shake my head. "Geezz!", I thought, "How stupid do they think I am to believe this nonsense. Nut cases." Now I'm the nut case. When I would discover something extraordinary, I would just blow it off to "conspiracy nuts". People with nothing better to do in their lives then to create wild fantasies about public figures. And that's what the elite want you to think. If you believe this, then you won't listen. And if you don't listen, you won't wake up. But more and more people are waking up.

As I would keep coming across whistle blowing web sites I began to realize the people that were telling us about the craziness of the elites and the world around us where not "people with nothing better to do." They were professionals. Doctors, lawyers, scientists, and architects. Educated people with impressive degrees behind their names. People with integrity. People with something to lose. That's when I began to take notice. I would even research the researcher. Suddenly, things began to make sense. More sense then what was being presented to me through our government, or main stream media, newspapers, and other typical sources that don't tell us the truth. It actually took me six long years to realize that what I was discovering was real. And not from some "conspiracy theorist" who wants to spread outrageous lies and rumors.

They say 'fact is stranger then fiction'. I never realized how true this statement really is until I started researching the world around us. So call me a crazy conspiracy nut if you'd like. I'm proud to wear that badge of honor. It stands for honesty, integrity, and truth.

My friends and family always ask me why I'm doing this. Why do I bother? It's a time consuming process, and to be honest, it sometimes takes me to dark places I don't like to go. Well, I could just gather the information I discover, and live quietly, just looking out for myself, and my family. But in all good consciousness I can't do that. I don't care if I get ridiculed and laughed at. If I could help just one person to discover the truth, then my conscious will be satisfied.

I believe what I am doing is so important, that it is a matter of life and death. Your life and death. That is how serious I feel about doing this blog. So, please, take your time and look around. Don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions. I don't have all the answers, but I will be happy to help in any way I can.

You will find some references to Christianity here. But because my blog is for everyone, and not directed to only Christians, I try not to overwhelm the site with references to my faith. This blog is meant for everyone, and I do not want someone to remain blinded to what is happening in this world because they feel uncomfortable with my references to the Lord. But you will find them scattered throughout. Actually it is profound when you compare Bible prophecy with the world today. So, I can not, in good conscious, completely ignore it. With that said, I do have to point out, however, that Jesus Christ is the one who opened my eyes to what is going on, and He is extremely important in my life. I can not turn my back on him for anyone. So, I will not completely ignore my Christian faith, but I will try and tone it down for your sake. However, if one day you do realize that the Christian faith is something you would like to explore, I will be more then happy to help you if you'd like. You will find a page on salvation here one day soon. At the time of this writing, it has not been posted as of yet. But look for it. I will post it soon enough.

Now on the flip side of that, I do have a warning to you. Sometimes the information I post may not be child friendly. It doesn't happen too often, and I certainly do not like to compromise my Christian values, but if I feel that getting the information out to you is crucial, even if it has offensive language, I will post it. Although it can't be too extreme. If it is, I will just direct you to it with a link and a warning. Also, sometimes the information that I post on this site can be very scary for children. If it's scary to adults, just imagine little minds. So, please be cautious around the children.

This blog exposes the worst of what is going on in the world today. It is not meant to scare you. It is only meant to inform you. What you do with it is up to you. The elites who run this world refer to us as "useless eaters". These are the people who are suppose to be looking out for us. Barack Obama has been accused of being a socialist. I believe all Americans came to realize that this was actually true when Obama forced his Social Health Care Reform Bill down our throats, along with the death panels that came with it, knowing that most Americans didn't want it. Even the mainstream media got into the act of deception on the American public, and one day reported that only a couple hundred people were at the Capitol Building on the day they passed the bill, shouting, "Kill the Bill. Kill the Bill." When in all reality, the truth was there were thousands and thousands of people there. So many, they say, that their shouts shook the walls of the building. But their shouts went ignored. You didn't hear about that on the main stream media. It was reported that polls showed that 77% of Americans did not want the Health Care Bill. It was passed anyway. It will give government control of our lives. Fortunately, Obama is not an American citizen, and with Americans persistence, we can get him out of office and void the Health Care Bill. But, it's time to start getting mad.

I am grateful for websites like YouTube, and the courage of other whistle blower websites. Without them, the true, fallacious nature of Barack Obama, a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, and others, may very well not get exposed. We would be at the mercy of main stream media and their tremendous amount of dis-information, their method used to manipulate us and control our thoughts and minds.

I think we all know how Obama has been trying to hide the fact that he's a Muslim, and that he has been trying to deceive the American people into veritably believing he is a Christian (when he requests to have religious relics covered at churches he visits). But, it only gets worse. As you go through my posts you will discover he is actually a Radical Extremist Muslim and a Nazi Communist. I don't say that lightly. Each one of these titles are bad on their own. But put them together, Radical Extremist Muslim + Nazi Communist, and I believe it is the worst kind of evil that can ever be manifested. And this happens to be the President of our country at the moment. Do you think America might be in a little trouble?

The fact that Obama's not just a Muslim, but a a Radical Extremist Muslim Nazi Communist, I believe is the reason for him trying to conceal his past from us, and has paid millions of dollars in lawyer's fees to suppress his birth certificate. But it's not just his birth certificate that he will not disclose. It's also his school records from kindergarten to college, and other records like his passport. The list is extensive. I do have a blog page dedicated to MISSING OBAMA RECORDS. He also has a fraudulent social security number. Because of all this, it leaves no doubt in my mind that this man is trying to hide something. Something BIG! I think you'll agree as you go through the evidence. It can't be denied. Maybe he is afraid we will discover he has a criminal background, and not only get thrown out of office, but thrown in prison. That is where he belongs anyway. Not in our White House.

We do have a dire situation here in America with the Office of the Presidency, and I do have a lot of posts regarding him, his cabinet, and his policies. But there are many other issues I cover as well. There are so many issues facing us today, that sometimes I can't find the time to get to them all. But I promise to do all I can for this country. This is still the greatest country on the face of the Earth. And if Americans stick together, we will see it remain that way.

I refuse to pull any punches. I am going to say it just like it is. The people who run this country are devil worshipping Luciferians. Certainly not all of them. But definitely the top echelons. The very same ones who run the phony Climate Change program, have a depopulation program, lie to us on a daily basis, feed us poison Aspertame in our soda pop and gum, GMO in our crops, put chemtrails in our skies, fluoride in our drinking water, put our returning War Veterans on an enemies list and call them terrorists, and force us to endure pedophile TSA agents sticking their hands down the pants, and up the shirts of our children, use Marxist and sexual content in the school curriculum to teach our children as young as 1st grade with. And these are just some of the things that we know about. I have so much information on my blog regarding all these matters. Your head will spin wondering how someone could be so demonic.

I will provide proof of what I say. The accusations I make may sound outrageous, but you will find out each and every one can be proved. If I can't prove it, I will direct you as to where to find the proof. If for some reason I do not have proof, I will inform you. Then you can make your own decision.

I am hoping enough people will find my blog and pass it around, and after reading it they will GET ANGRY after knowing what they are doing to you and your children. By the time your children grow up, this country will look like Nazi, Germany. If they are allowed to grow up.

You will discover that this is nothing more than a Santanic plot. They are Satan worshipping Luciferian's (yes, this can be proved). When I said earlier that this is a matter of life and death, I meant it. But there is hope. There is One who we can look to for help. He is the only one that can help our world. And that is why I am a Christian.

If you have information to share and you think I should post here, please feel free to e-mail me at marianne@usacops.com. Thank you.