Homosexual Indoctrination in Brazil Schools

by Sam Peyo (in Brazil)
(for henrymakow.com)
The Communist/Globalist agenda is moving fast forward in Brazil. The country is getting an A+ for all the items on the Illuminati (UN, CFR and Bilderberg) agenda.
If the international bankers want support for the global warming scam, Brazil is the first country to send money and experts and implement massive "information" campaigns in public schools, hospitals and the media without the slightest debate.
Brazilians--and that includes highly educated people--either believe global warming is gospel truth or simply wouldn't bother to read about it.
When the swine flu vaccine was made available, health authorities simply instructed pregnant women, children, senior citizens to receive their shot. No one would dream of questioning whether the vaccine was safe, efficient or even necessary.
Brazil is also an example of combating AIDS because of an efficient condom and drug distribution strategy. Never mind that a traditional lifestyle might reduce the problem significantly.
When it comes to promoting divorce, abortion and gay marriage, the "organic intellectuals" (right out of Gramsci's notebooks) and "beautiful people" who dominate the media, government, universities, justice and cultural life, slavishly emulate the latest trends in New York and Paris.
Now Brazilian public schools, the quality of which remains deplorable, are becoming centers for indoctrinating of children aged 7 to 10 years into homosexuality. As all cultural revolutionaries know, brainwashing is more efficient (and often irreversible) when started early in life.
Does it sound paranoid? Shouldn't children be taught the importance of tolerance and diversity? The problem is, the 2011 campaign against homophobia has nothing to do with tolerance.
In reality, as shown by federal congressman Jair Bolsonaro, now serving his fifth term (1991-2015) for the conservative "Progressive Party" (PP), it is a not-so-well-disguised incentive to indulge in homosexual behavior.
Bolsonaro has first-hand knowledge of what the Committee of Human Rights and Minorities and the Brazilian Ministry of Education are preparing for public school children.
As he explains in the video, 7-10 year old children will be watching films at school featuring 1) a boy who falls in love with another boy in a bathroom after he gets a glimpse of his genitals (later he sets a "good" example by becoming a "girl"), and
2) lesbian teenage girls exploring the wonders of French kissing.
The initiative is justified by spurious figures from a survey exaggerating the number of 7-10 tear-olds with homosexual tendency!
Over the past hundred years or more, a minority of subversive and sexually deviant social engineers have been imposing their depravity on a majority of mostly unsuspecting Christians.
The 2011 campaign for the promotion of homosexuality among 7-10 year-old school children shows the Illuminati have shifted into overdrive. Immorality may now be peddled without the slightest concern for dissimulation.
Additional links:
Brazilian Progressive Party: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_Party_%28Brazil%29)
Congressman Jair Bolsonaro: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jair_bolsonaro (Portuguese)
YouTube - Videos from this email
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