Below this interview, there is an interview with Dr. Alan Keyes. Again, this was before the election. Why people didn't listen then, I don't know. But we're paying for it now.
BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA is an abject marxist ideologue, openly applying that marxist dogma and principle to our free market and our nation as a whole.
If anyone doubts this, they need only listen to Obama's interview with NPR before he sought national office. In that intreveiw he openly crticizes the Warren Court for not going far enough in seeking "redsitribution of wealth", and indicates that the Constitution stood in their way and then discusses the various ways to get around it...which he is now implementing.
His view of the Constitution is not one that accepts or respects the intent of the founders of this nation, or the time proven fundamental principles the Constitution was based upon, rather, in his own words...
"I have to side with Justice Breyer's view of the Constitution--that it is not a static but rather a living document and must be read in the context of an ever-changing world."
The fact is, Obama doesn't care about what you or I or anyone else thinks, including the founders. He is an abject marxist ideologue and he now has his mechanism in place.
He didn't go to the Whitehouse to be popular, he went there to bring fundmental change and he has been going about it very effectively since becoming President.
You'll want to listen carefully to the words Obama uses here, and what is the meaning of what he is trying to tell us is. Liberty and freedom certainly is not it. Some of his quotes from this interview are below. This interview was conducted before the election that voted him in as President. If anybody heard this interview, and then voted for him, only tells me there they are America hating people.
These people, if they hate our country so much, and what it stands for, need to just leave and go to Russia or China, or any other country that's already set up a Communistic society. The Founding Father's set this country up perfectly. True Americans love it, and will not change it. So, best to leave us alone.
Quotes from Obama in the following interview:
"The Supreme Court never considered "redistribution of wealth" or "economic justice" among the guarantees provided to citizens."
"Even the Warren Court was not "radical" enough to do so -- to impose real change on the nation."
"The courts have generally provided negative constraints on the government rather than positive obligations the government owes to its citizens (specifically, here, such as economic justice and redistribution of wealth)."
"Therefore, it is a "tragedy" that the civil rights movement became so courts-focused, because it limited what redress they could actually obtain -- and it took attention away from the "community organizing" efforts which could assemble "coalitions of power" (political power, that is) to actually achieve "redistributive change." Such change simply could not be had in the courts, still laboring under the "constraints" imposed by the Founding Fathers."
"And in some ways we still suffer from that."
"Obama is a Radical Communist - Will Destroy America!"
Dr. Alan Keyes
Dr. Alan Keyes - Reagan Statesman, Constitutional Scholar - Staunch Conservative - Stead-fast Christian - Defender of the unborn, the newborn and the elderly -- telling it like it is about our current "President" and how he should not be the POTUS by the one governing law of this land - The United States Constitution.
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