About Ryan's Rants


“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within.” ~ Cicero

America is at such a crucial time in history. And it's not just a crucial time in history for America, but for the WHOLE WORLD! No other time in history has been like it is now. I cover a lot of topics and issues on my blog, because, frankly America, we go through a lot of issues. We have a lot to contend with these days. From crooked politicians, Agenda 21, UFO's and aliens, transhumanism, the duplicitous global warming spoof, weather weapons, false flag attempts, evil conspiracies, satanic cults, the Depopulation Program of humanity by the elite, mainstream media lies, mind control, chemtrails, earthquakes, birds and fish die-offs, we have a criminal in the White House and a few more in Washington, D.C., and this fact seems to go unnoticed by most, especially our main stream media.

There is so much evil going on on this planet at this time, that I wanted to do something to combat it. Even if it was a small thing. Something that makes me feel like I'm contributing to the good. So, I have created this blog to help inform people of the things going on in our world today. Things that radically affect our lives, whether you know it or not. Our government affects our lives the most. From deceptive practices that you need to be aware of, to poisons in our food and water supply.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

An Entourage Surpassing the Queen's - Mr. Narcissit spends our money on 500 staff to take with

Here is an article from London's Newspaper when Obama went to the G-20 Summit. Out of all of the head's of state at this summit, who does London feel they have to report on. On Obama's out of control spending of course. With our money of course.

Issa on Fox News: Rising Gas Prices Hurt Every American. How is the Administration Reacting?

Jerome Corsi: White House Scared Over Obama's True Origin‬
Alex talks with author and investigative journalist Jerome Corsi about the Obama birth certificate fiasco. Corsi is the author of Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President, now available at the Infowars Store. In the book, Corsi assembles evidence that Barack Obama is constitutionally ineligible for the office of the presidency and has spent millions of dollars in legal fees to avoid providing the American people with something as simple as a long-form birth certificate.



George Will, Liberals Should Be “Clamoring for Impeachment”

Convicted Felon Sets Up Nationwide Shop for Obama

White House pushing churches to be 'green'?

The Re-Death of Bin Laden’s Frozen Corpse

Nothing could be worse than the story released by the Obama administration. Their claim is that 25 Navy Seals were flown into Pakistan to murder an unarmed and unguarded man whose identity is now in doubt. Legal experts around the world universally characterize the operation, if it actually happened at all, as a criminal act and those involved as subject to prosecution. This issue is unlikely to gain much attention, however, as the majority of people who had not concluded that Osama bin Laden had died in 2001 as reported are now reconsidering their position.

Resisting the Green Dragon‬

A stunning insight into the Federal Governments thinking on creating false flags such as planning acts of terrorism to kill American Citizens to create propaganda to justify wars to invade helpless nations

ABC News Writes:
In the early 1960s, America’s top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.
Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.
The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war to oust Cuba’s then new leader, communist Fidel Castro.

Dr. Stanley Monteith has been studying the movement to create a world government for almost 40 years. During his 35-year career as an orthopedic surgeon he traveled to Europe, lived in South Africa, and researched the records of the men and the organizations that are working to bring our nation under the control of a corporate elite.
Dr. Monteith currently spends five hours daily on talk radio across the nation. He writes extensively, and lectures on geopolitics. He is the author of AIDS: The Unnecessary Epidemic and his most recent book Brotherhood of Darkness is in its 8th printing.
RADIO LIBERTY, P.O. BOX 969, SOQUEL, CA. 95073 -- 800-544-8927

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